Media Center


GCOERC Media Centre :

The GCOERC Central Library users can now access full text e- Journals /e-books several databases on library Intranet network.

  • DELNET -(Bibliographic Database/ Inter Library Loan): Home page   DELNET Developing Library Network (DELNET) is a major Resource Sharing Library Network in “South Asia”. It networks more than 900 libraries in India and Six other Countries and offers access to about fifty lakh records of Books, Journals, Articles, and other documents.Developing Library Network (DELNET) is a major Resource Sharing Library Network in "South Asia". It networks more than 900 libraries in India and Six other Countries and offers access to about fifty lakh records of Books, Journals, Articles, and other documents. (Developing Library Network) (GCOERC Membership No. IM-7420 ): 10558 free e-books in 687 categories, Number of Full Text E-Journals, Thesis, Dissertations, & Other databases are possible to Access & Download in our college camp
  • National Digital Library of India (NDL India): NDL is an all-digital library that stores information (metadata) about different types of digital contents including books, articles, videos, audios, thesis and other educational materials relevant for users from varying educational levels and capabilities. It provides a single-window search facility to access digital contents currently existing in India as well as other digital sources under a single umbrella. Link : .
  • NPTEL :NPTEL is an acronym for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning which is an initiative by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for creating course contents in engineering and science. Five engineering branches (Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics and Communication and Mechanical) and core science programmes that all engineering students are required to take in their undergraduate engineering programme in India were chosen initially. Contents for the above courses were based on the model curriculum suggested by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the syllabi of major affiliating Universities in India. Link :
  • Springer Open :The Springer Open portfolio has grown tremendously since its launch in 2010, so that we now offer researchers from all areas of science, technology, medicine, the humanities and social sciences a place to publish open access in journals and books. Publishing with Springer Open makes your work freely available online for everyone, immediately upon publication, and our high-level peer-review and production processes guarantee the quality and reliability of the work. Link:
  • Elsevier Open access journalsAll articles in open access journals which are published by Elsevier have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. Link :
  • Shodhganga : Shodhganga is an Open Access Repository of full-text theses submitted to universities in India. Membership is not required to browse, view, search and download theses available in Shodhganga. However, INFLIBNET signs MoUs with universities so as to facilitate submission of electronic version of theses into Shodhganga and synopses/approved research proposals into Shodhgangotri. The eligible universities that signs MoUs with INFLIBNET Centre on Shodhganga are provided access to anti-plagiarism software. Colleges are not eligible for this benefit. (Details are available at
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) : DOAJ is a community-curate online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. All DOAJ services are free of charge including being indexed in DOAJ. All data is freely available. Link :
  • Rare Book Society of India : The Rare Book Society of India is the first of its kind – it is a virtual space for rare book collectors and history buffs to read, discuss, rediscover and download lost books. Provides Open Access.
  • Library OPAC:  Library offers computerized catalogue search facility through WEB OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) through  ERP Link : It is searchable by Title, Author, Publisher, Keyword, Accession number etc .Arrival of new books is informed through OPAC Search. Using OPAC one can get the status (the desired book/resources are issued out or On Shelf) and exact location of the required book at their remote place.
  • Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS): Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) is an innovative cell under Ministry of Education (MoE) at AICTE, New Delhi. It is established to promote interdisciplinary research on all aspects of IKS, preserve and disseminate IKS for further research and societal applications. It will actively engage for spreading the rich heritage of our country and traditional knowledge in the field of Arts and literature, Agriculture, Basic Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Architecture, Management, Economics, etc. Link:
  • Institutional Repository: Syllabus, Question Papers, E-Journal’s List, Project Lists, seminar Lists, Newspaper clippings, Video Lectures & Other Information. Institution Repository Link : http://library/gcoerc/

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