National/International Conference

Sr. No. Name of the teacher Title of the book/paper published Name of the conference Year of publication ISBN number of the proceeding
1 Dr. M.K.Kothawade The development of contraction mappings in metric space referencing National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Sciences(NCETES2024) Feb-2024 Published in "Indian Journal of Technical Education", Vol. 47 Special Issue No. 1 March 2024,ISSN 0971-3034
2 Dr. M.K.Kothawade Common fixed point theorems satisfying b - E.A. property in partially ordered b metric spaces International conference on Neoteric Advances in Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NA3M-2023) Dec-23  
3 Dr.Umakant Dinkar Butkar Internet Traffic Dynamics in Wireless Sensor Networks ICACITE 2023 Aug-23 979-8-3503-9926-4
4 Dr.Umakant Dinkar Butkar Integration of Electric Vehicles, Renewable Energy Sources, and IoT for Sustainable Transportation and Energy Management: A Comprehensive Review and Future Prospects ICRERA 2023 July-23 979-8-3503-3793-8
5 Dr. M.K.Kothawade Common fixed-point theorems for four maps using b E.A. property. ICFMST 2022 2022 Published in AIP Conference Proceedings 2023; 2735 (1): 040013.
6 Dr. M.K.Kothawade Common fixed point theorems for four maps using b- E.A. Property 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials and Simulation Techniques,Chandigarh University Jan-2022  
7 Dr. M.K.Kothawade Common fixed points results using (ψ, ϕ)-contraction in partially ordered b- metric spaces International conference on Evolution in Pure and Applied Mathematics,Akal University  Nov- 2022 No: AU/ICEPAM 2022/1273
8 Dr. M.K.Kothawade Utilization of integration in civil and aerospace engineering ICETIES  2022 ISBN : 978-81-958272-6-8
9 Dr. M.K.Kothawade E.A. property and common fixed point theorems 1st International conference on Data analytic and computational techniques  Dec -21  
10 Mr. Sandeep Shukla The Internet of things: A Survey ICSTM-2017 Feb-17 ISBN: 978-93-86171-30-6
11 Mr.Mukesh A. Amritkar & Mrs. Pradnya Bachhav Secure Data Access Control and Efficient CP-ABE for Multi Authority cloud storage with Data mirroring ICEMTE-2017 Mar-17 ISBN: 978-93-5258-745-2
12 Supriya Thakur & Mrs.Runali Y. Suryawanshi GI-FI (A New Wireless Technology) ICEMTE-2017 Mar-17 ISBN: 978-93-5258-745-2
13 Mrs.Runali Y . Suryawanshi & Supriya Thakur Applications of Semi conducting Nano Materials ICEMTE-2017 Mar-17 ISBN: 978-93-5258-745-2
14 Mrs. Shagufta S. Shaikh & Mrs. Megha K. Kothawade Green Polymer Chemistry ICEMTE-2017 Mar-17 ISBN: 978-93-5258-745-2
15 Mrs. Megha K. Kothawade & Mrs. Shagufta S. Shaikh Laplace Transforms and its Applications ICEMTE-2017 Mar-17 ISBN: 978-93-5258-745-2
16 Ms.Gauri Sonawane Conformal Mapping using Image processing NCTR-2017 Feb-17 ISBN: 978-81-930856-3-9

Paper Publication

Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number
A Survey on Efficient CP-ABE and Secure Data Access Control for Multi Authority Cloud Storage with Data Mirroring Ms. Shelar Pradnya Prakash (BachhavPradnya K.) Basic Engineering Science International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Oct-15 ISSN (Online): 2320-9801/ISSN (Print): 2320-9798 Vol.5,Issue 10
Fourier Transform And Its Application In Modulation Techniques Mrs.Megha K. Kothawade & Mrs.Supriya N.Thakur Basic Engineering Science International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies(IJIRAS) Oct-16 ISSN:2394-4404 Vol. No.3 Issue 11,Oct 2016
Fundamentals And Concept of Conformal Mappings Mrs.Megha K. Kothawade Basic Engineering Science International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies(IJIRAS) Dec-16 ISSN:2394-4404 Vol. No.3 Issue 13,Dec 2016
The Internet of things: A Survey Mr. Sandeep Shukla Basic Engineering Science International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering Feb-17 ISSN(O)-2454-9665 ISSN(P) 2454-0663 Vol.No.3 Issue 02,Feb 2017
Secure Data Access Control and Efficient CP-ABE for Multi Authority Cloud Storage with Data Mirroring Mrs. Bachhav Pradnya K. & Mr. M.A. Amritkar Basic Engineering Science International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Mar-17 ISSN: 2321-8169 Vol.5,Issue 3
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