Where is college located:

Address of institute:
Khalsa Educational Complex Guru Gobind Singh Marg, Wadala-Parhardi Road, Indira Nagar Annexe  Indira Nagar, Nashik, Maharashtra 422009

 What are the email ids and website address of diff institutes in your college?

You can visit to our website:
www.ggsf.edu.in for foundation site
for any information related to engineering goto : www.engg.ggsf.edu.in
For Polytechnic: https://polytechnic.ggsf.edu.in/
For School and Junior College: https://school.ggsf.edu.in/
Mail us on : gcoerc.nashik@ggsf.edu.in

 To which university institute is affiliated?

Our institute is accredited by AICTE and affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University.

 How is the infrastructure of the Institute?

The institute has well-equipped laboratories, modern computer Centre , spacious classrooms, seminar halls, auditorium Hall with 400 seating capacity, workshops, library & Hostels, BOSCH and SIEMEN’S ,Mechatronics Labs.

 What are the different courses offered by Guru Gobind Singh College of Engineering?

In Engineering, There are 4 branches: Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. All Branches have Course intake capacity of 60 Seats , while Computer Engineering have 120 seat capacity.

What are the eligibility requirements for admission?

50 % for open category candidates, 45 % for reserved category candidates with PCM in 12th class with JEE score & or MHT-CET non zero score are eligible

Is Bus Facility Available at Institute?

Yes .

Is college accredited?

GCOE&RC is accredited B+ by NAAC. One out of four coursesofengineering has submitted The SAR for accreditation byNBA.Accreditation signifies quality teaching, facilities,and practices at the campus.

When should I apply?

Students can start registering as per the admission schedule notified by DTE, Maharashtra.

Why students prefer Computer Engineering/IT?

We call it as mad rush. Every branch of engineering is equally important. Products are designed and manufactured with collaborative efforts, using manytechnologies working together. Further IT, Computer, Electronics, Electronics & Telecomm courses offersimilar education.There would be no difference in terms of prospects in the future. Students consider IT/Computer or specifically software field more lucrative. One may understand that each and every field today uses software technology and hence one having expertise anybranch of study can play equal role in software industry. Rather, having specialized knowledge, e.g. Structural Engineering, may help him play expert role in softwaremaking.

Can I know about placements, Higher Education opportunities?

Institute is well connected with top ranking companies like TCS, L&T Infotech, Amazon Web Services, Works Application (International Placements), Uniqlo (International Placements) and many more. Every year new companies add to the list.Studentshavebaggedhugesalarypackages,highest beingRs.37.5 Lakhs/annum. For more information please visit Placement Section on our website. We encourage students to join higher education in our as well asforeign countries. GCOE&RC has its wing for guiding students interested in highereducation.Does college offer Internship and/or Entrepreneurship/Start-up guidance?Institute has dedicated Internship Cell. It offers internship opportunitiesto students in external organisations. Alldepartments also offer in-house internships tostudents.Institute has Entrepreneurship Nurturing Cell. This cell guides interested students throughout the process. Students of GCOE&RC have successfully launched their own start-ups in various fields.

How to register and from where do I get the application?

You can apply online through Admissions/Online Registration page.

Can I apply before the class 12 results?

Yes. You can apply with available documents for preliminary registration.

What are the college admission requirements?

A Student applying for admission should carry the original and 2 sets of photocopies of all his testimonials. The documents required are:

  1. Adhaar Card
  2. 10th Marksheet
  3. 12th Marksheet
  4. Leaving Certificate
  5. Proof of Entrance Exam (CET /JEE score card)
  6. Nationality & Domicile Certificate
  7. 3 passport size photographs
  8. Proof of Gap years (if any)
  9. Category Proof
    1. Caste Certificate
    2. Caste Validity Certificate
    3. Non creamy layer certificate (If Applicable)

I would like to take admission at Institutional Level through Management Quota. Is it still mandatory for me to register and enrol on the Directorate of Technical Education Web Portal?

YES. Registration and Enrolment on the web portal of State Common Entrance Test Cell, Govt. of Maharashtra is MANDATORY

Can students from other states of India take admission though the Central Admission Process?

Yes, but, they should have a valid score in MH – CET / JEE (Main) for that Year and should pass XIIth examination with minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry (could be replaced with permissible technical vocational subject) and Mathematics

What is the eligibility for availing scholarship

Candidate should be domiciled in the State of Maharashtra and produce all required documents as per scholarship category and prevailing norms.

What is difference between B. E. & B. Tech?

As such there is no difference.
B. E. is Bachelor of Engineering & B. Tech. is Bachelor of Technology. In the state of Maharashtra most of the universities have named the engineering course as BE while IIT’s & few autonomous institutes like COE, Pune have named their programmes as B.Tech. Students are requested to go through the syllabus to know more about the programme.






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